Dtm Urban Dictionary (2025)

1. dtm - Urban Dictionary

  • DTM Stands for "Doin too much." When an individual takes on more than can be handeled. (ie. tasks, conversations, commitments,etc.)

  • Dtm is a short saying for and I quote "Doing too much"

2. DTM's - Urban Dictionary

  • DTM means "Don't tell Mom!" A quick way to remind siblings that what you are sharing isn't for Mom to hear. DTM is most often by teenagers as well as adults ...

  • "Down to match", referring to be able to match with someone else on a blunt of cannabis. Having $5 and wanting to be high.

3. Down to Mash(DTM) - Urban Dictionary

  • 20 jul 2010 · When a girl is DTF(down to fuck) but will go farther and is kind of a freak so you say she is down to mash. mash being something crazy ...

  • When a girl is DTF(down to fuck) but will go farther and is kind of a freak so you say she is down to mash. mash being something crazy freaky. the mash is when a girl is down to let you make mash potato's inside of her then pour it out or eat it out of her directly and eat it. bacon bits and chives are optional

4. DTM - Slang/Internet Slang - Acronym Finder

5. DTM - Urban Dictionary

  • A very large quantity in an unusual number or configuration (otherwise it would be an ordinary/English buttload). Compare: metric shitload and metric fuckton, ...

  • A very large quantity in an unusual number or configuration (otherwise it would be an ordinary/English buttload). Compare: metric shitload and metric fuckton, which both designate a very large, but expected, quantity.

6. gtfafm dtm - Urban Dictionary

  • GTFAFM DTM means Like what caelan would say to victoria or marilyn while txting. by vic and mar the awesomes June 28, 2011. Flag · Get the gtfafm dtm mug.

  • get the f*** away from me dont touch me

7. What is the meaning of dtm? - AmazingTalker

  • DTM is an internet slang acronym meaning doing too much or do too much, in reference to the poster's behavior.

  • DTM is an acronym which stands for "doing too much or dead to me." An acronym according to Google dictionary, "is an a

8. Doin' The Most - Urban Dictionary

  • *In text messages and other text-forms of communications, it is often abbreviated as "dtm". ... Me: I just wrote a definition for "doin' the most" on Urban ...

  • When someone is just over-exaggerating, trying to draw a lot of attention, or putting themselves out there in a needy manner.

9. DTM - Definition by AcronymFinder

  • What does DTM stand for? ; DTM, Dyed to Match (used in garment industry for matching an existing colour) ; DTM, Digital Terrain Map ; DTM · Demographic Transition ...

  • 79 definitions of DTM. Meaning of DTM. What does DTM stand for? DTM abbreviation. Define DTM at AcronymFinder.com

10. DTM Definition | GIS Dictionary - Esri Support

  • Bevat niet: urban | Resultaten tonen met:urban

  • See: digital terrain model

11. do the mcqueen (dtm) - Urban Dictionary

  • To bust out of an enclosure. For instance, refer to Steve McQueen escaping from a German POW camp (from the movie The Great Escape).

  • To bust out of an enclosure. For instance, refer to Steve McQueen escaping from a German POW camp (from the movie The Great Escape). Refer scene where he jumps a barbed wire with a motor bike fence to freedom.

12. DTM mug - Urban Dictionary Store

  • Urban Dictionary mug with the word 'DTM'

13. Jackie Dtm - Urban Dictionary

  • 1 definition by Jackie Dtm. minute minimizer. an extremely cheap person avoiding using their cell phone minutes until they have free minutes after 9 and on ...

  • an extremely cheap person avoiding using their cell phone minutes until they have free minutes after 9 and on weekends.

Dtm Urban Dictionary (2025)


What does DTM mean in slang text? ›

DTM is an acronym which stands for "doing too much or dead to me." An acronym according to Google dictionary, "is an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word." You would use this phrase for texting purposes only and not in a formal setting such as an academic paper, etc.

What does DTM mean in urban? ›

DTM is an internet slang acronym meaning doing too much or do too much, in reference to the poster's behavior.

What do you mean by DTM? ›

Digital Terrain Models (DTM) sometimes called Digital Elevation Models (DEM) is a topographic model of the bare Earth that can be manipulated by computer programs. The data files contain the elevation data of the terrain in a digital format which relates to a rectangular grid.

Does DTM mean down to meet? ›

Dtm Meaning in Text Down to Meet.

What does DTM mean in massage? ›

Deep tissue massage (DTM) is a particular form of massage therapy used to treat many issues, including high blood pressure, low back pain, and reduced range of motion. This form of massage therapy consists of many different techniques that can be used to address specific areas of concern and promote overall wellness.

What is the full form of DTM text? ›

The Document-Term Matrix (dtm)

For many methods of text analysis, specifically the so-called bag-of-word approaches, the common data structure for the corpus is a document-term matrix (dtm). This is a matrix in which the rows represent documents and the columns represent terms (e.g., words, lemmata).

What does DTM style mean? ›

The cutaway DTM car. Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters cars closely resemble public road vehicles but custom-built into a racing version as a reference of silhouette racing car format.

What does DTM culture stand for? ›

Dermatophyte test medium (DTM) fungal cultures are used to isolate and identify dermatophyte organisms. DTM is made with special ingredients that inhibit bacterial growth and turn red when dermatophytes grow.

What does DTM title mean? ›

The Distinguished Toastmaster award is the highest award Toastmasters International bestows. The DTM recognises a superior level of achievement in both communication and leadership.

What is DTM used for? ›

A Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is a digital representation of the terrain or ground surface of a specific area or location. It is a three-dimensional model that provides information about the elevation, slope, and other topographic features of the terrain.

What does DTM tell us? ›

The Demographic Transition Model (DTM) is based on historical population trends of two demographic characteristics – birth rate and death rate – to suggest that a country's total population growth rate cycles through stages as that country develops economically.

What is DTM and DSM? ›

The Digital Terrain Model (DTM) product represents the elevation of the ground, while the Digital Surface Model (DSM) product represents the elevation of the tallest surfaces at that point.

What is the meaning of DTM date? ›

DTM means that the segment represents a date and time. EDI actually has three different segments to represent date and time: DTM, DTP, and G62.

What does DTM mean in quality? ›

Digital Terrain Models (DTM) are frequently used to make important decisions. In order to judge these decisions DTM quality must be known. The quality of a DTM consists of several components like precision, accuracy, and reliability.

What does DTM mean meeting? ›

So next time you're texting someone and you'd like to meet up, don't forget to let them know you're “down to meet” with the acronym “DTM.”

What does dts mean in text? ›

DTS meaning: don't think so. OMG meaning: oh my God. JK meaning: just kidding.

What does DSM mean in text? ›

(Internet slang, text messaging) Abbreviation of detsamma (“same, likewise”).


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.