How Board Members and State Employees Utilize the Security Portal to Access PDMP. July 30, 2014 Version 2 Software Release Version 3.4. (2024)

Table of Contents
July 30, 2014 Version 2 Software Release Version 3.4.11 How Board Members and State Employees Utilize the Security Portal to Access PDMP Page 2 of 38 Table of Contents How to Access PDMP via the ADPH Security Portal... 3 How Board Members Create an Account ... 4 “Self Service” Feature for Board Members ... 9 How State Employees Create an Account ... 12 How to Add Additional Professional License Information ... 17 Board Member System E-mail ... 19 How to Login to the ADPH Security Portal ... 21 How to Change Your Password for Board Members ... 24 How to Update Your Account Information ... 26 Username/Password Recovery for Board Members ... 31 How to Contact us if you have Questions ... 37 Page 3 of 38 How to Access PDMP via the ADPH Security Portal The purpose of this documentation is to assist users with accessing and utilizing the “Prescription Drug Monitoring Program” (PDMP) – Controlled Substance Database via the “ADPH Security Portal.” This user guide is specifically written for the following PDMP users: Board Members and State Employees. The ADPH Security Portal can be accessed directly by entering the following URL into the web address bar: The page will redirect to the “ADPH Security Portal,” and in the process it will generate encryption within the URL. Please note that if you are going to bookmark the “ADPH Security Portal” or add it to your Favorites, you must first take out the encrypted portion of the URL. To do so, place your cursor in the web address bar just to the left of the “L” in “Login.” Now, backspace until you have removed the letter and number combination (encrypted portion of the URL). You can stop backspacing when you reach “adphsec/”. Only the following part of the URL should remain in your web address bar when you add the Security Portal to your Internet Explorer “Favorites”: Page 4 of 38 How Board Members Create an Account If you do not have an existing account, click the “Create an Account” link on the “ADPH Security Portal Login” page, located within the “I want to…” section. You will be directed to the “New User Request” page. Page 5 of 38 This first page contains six different sections. These are: “Select Applications to Request Access,” “Name,” “Employment,” “Supervisor,” “State Employees,” and “Username/Password.” All of the fields that are highlighted in yellow are the standard required fields. These are the fields that must be completed before the page can be submitted. Page 6 of 38 Begin by placing a checkmark to the left of “PDMP – Controlled Substance Database” within the “Select Applications To Request Access” section. Once you click the “PDMP – Controlled Substance Database” checkbox, a series of application types will appear. You will need to “Choose a PDMP application type” that corresponds with your discipline. The “Board Member” application type will be described in this portion of the document. When you “Choose a PDMP application type,” a “PDMP Privacy Agreement” will appear on the “Step 1” of the “Create An Account” page. In order to proceed to “Step 2,” you must place a check in the box indicating that you have read and agree to the “PDMP Privacy & Identity Agreement.” Page 7 of 38 Next, all PDMP users must complete the fields located within the “Name” section. Begin by entering your “Professional Title,” followed by your “First Name” and your “Last Name.” Then, complete the “Employment” section fields. First, enter your “e-mail Address.” (It is highly recommended that you add an e-mail address that is not shared, because the System only accepts unique email addresses.) Now, enter your “Address,” “City,” “State,” “Zip”, “Phone Number,” and Fax Number.” The fields located within the “Supervisor” section are not required unless they are highlighted. Page 8 of 38 Indicate whether or not you are a State employee in either ADPH or Medicaid. The default value is “No.” The final section in Step 1 of creating a new Security Portal account is the “Username/Password” section. First, create a unique “username.” Your username must be at least 3 and may be no more than 20 characters in length. The system will not accept a duplicate username. If your username is accepted, you will see the following message appear: “This username is available!” Second, enter a password. The minimum password requirements are listed to the right of the username and password fields. After you have entered your password a word/phrase will appear indicating the strength of the password that you have chosen. Create a password with strength of “Strong” or “Excellent.” Next, confirm your password by entering it into the field beneath password. Click the “Proceed to Step 2” button at the bottom of the page. Page 9 of 38 The top screen capture in the right column provides an example of a fully completed “Self Service” section. In the “Text SMS” section, you will need to enter your mobile number, and select your mobile carrier from the drop down list. Then click "Send PIN." A four digit pin number will be sent within 2 minutes to your mobile device. (See the screen capture to the far right center as an example of a PIN Request text message.) Upon receiving that pin number via text, you should enter the pin to validate your mobile number. Then, click the “Proceed to Step 3” button. The bottom screen capture in the right column shows an example of only the three “Security Questions” in the “Self Service” section as being completed. Here the user has opted out of the “Self Service” personal e-mail and Text SMS feature. If you choose to opt out of “Self Service”, please select the check box (in the gray box beneath the Security Questions.) If you choose to opt out, you will be required to call ADPH in the event you cannot access your account. Page 10 of 38 Now, you have the option to include additional Professional License information, such as Funeral Director License Number, Coroner Association Number, etc. You cannot change a license number once you have entered it. You must contact the Application Administrator to have the license changed. Details on adding license information can be found on page 17. It is not necessary to complete the “LCMS Account” section. This section provides a means of linking your Security Portal account with your existing LCMS (Learning Content Management System) account. If you do not have an existing LCMS Account, skip this section. If no other updates are necessary, click the “Proceed to Step 3” button. Page 11 of 38 Your web browser will redirect to a new page with the following confirmation message, “Your request has been submitted to the application administrator for approval.” Click the “Return to the Login Page” link. Page 12 of 38 How State Employees Create an Account If you do not have an existing account, click the “Create an Account” link on the “ADPH Security Portal Login” page, located within the “I want to…” section. You will be directed to the “New User Request” page. Page 13 of 38 Starting from “Step 1” of the New User Request page, select the appropriate agency (either “ADPH” or “Medicaid”) as your “PDMP Application Type.” When you “Choose a PDMP application type,” a “PDMP Privacy Agreement” will appear on the “Step 1” of the “Create An Account” page. In order to proceed to “Step 2,” you must place a check in the box indicating that you have read and agree to the “PDMP Privacy & Identity Agreement.” Page 14 of 38 Next, if you are employed by either “ADPH” or “Medicaid,” then select the “Yes” option that is beneath the question: “Are you a State employee in either ADPH or Medicaid?” When “Yes” is selected, the “Select Agency” and “State Agency Username” fields will appear, and the “Username/Password” section will no longer be visible. After you have selected your Agency, enter your “State Agency Username.” This is the “Username” or “Network id” that you utilize when you log in to your work computer each morning. (After you have created your account, you will need to login to the Security Portal using your network id and your network password.) The following fields will automatically populate: First Name, Last Name, Work e-mail Address & Phone Number Go back to each section and complete the required fields (highlighted in yellow) that were not automatically populated. The “Supervisor” section is optional. Click the checkbox to indicate that you have read and agree to the PDMP Privacy Agreement. Page 15 of 38 Next, click the “Proceed to Step 2” button The “Self Service” feature for username/password account information recovery is not available to State Employees. Here you have the option to include your professional licenses, if applicable. You also have the option of linking your LCMS and Security Portal accounts together. To do so, you will need to click the “Show LCMS Account” button. Page 16 of 38 Then, you will need to enter your “LCMS username,” “LCMS Password,” and your “LCMS PIN” before clicking the “Link My Accounts” button. If you do not have any “Licenses” to add and do not wish to link your LCMS account to the Security Portal account that you are in the process of creating, then click the “Proceed to Step 3” button. Page 17 of 38 How to Add Additional Professional License Information If applicable, please select your “License Board” from the drop down list. Now, you have the option to include additional Professional License information, such as Funeral Director License Number, Coroner Association Number, etc. In this example, I will click the “Other License Types” options from the “License Board” drop down list. If you select the “License Board” option of “Other License Types,” the “License Type” drop down list will auto-populate with the following options: APOST Certification Number, Coroners Association, DEA Number, Funeral Director License Number, & QACSC Registration Number. In this example, the “Coroners Association” License Type option will be selected. Next, enter your License Number. Then click the “Add License” button. Although you can add license information during “Step 2” of creating a new Page 18 of 38 account, you cannot edit or delete your licenses in the Security Portal. You do however have the option of changing which license is primary. To change which license is saved as “primary,” click the “Make Primary” link. The check mark beneath the “Is primary license” column will move accordingly. Please know that only one license number is required and kept for any license type. You must contact the Application Administrator or PDMP Support to change a license number. Page 19 of 38 Board Member System E-mail Immediately after an account is created, the Security Portal will send a verification e-mail to the e-mail address entered by the user. This email is not received by the State Employee. The user must click on the “E-mail Verification Link” in order to access any of the Security Portal’s applications. Please do not reply directly to the email. Page 20 of 38 A confirmation message will appear once the link is clicked. The message indicates, “The account for this example, Jan Doe, with the e-mail address of: has been verified. You can now access applications if the application administrator has granted you permission.” Once the user has been granted access to the PDMP – Controlled Substance Database application, the user will receive an email notification that he or she has access to the system. Page 21 of 38 How to Login to the ADPH Security Portal First, enter your username and password in the “ADPH Security Portal Login” box on the “Login” page. Then, click the “Login” button. (ADPH and Medicaid employees will need to login to the Security Portal using the network id and password that they use to access their work computer.) Page 22 of 38 After a successful login, if you have been granted access, you will see a grid listing the names of applications that are available. A description of each application listed is provided. To access an application, click on the “Select” link to the left of the application name. Your browser will exit the “ADPH Security Portal” and redirect to the application that you selected. To demonstrate, hover over the “PDMP – Controlled Substance Database” application name. Notice that this row becomes highlighted. Next, click on the “PDMP –Controlled Substance Database” “Select” link. Your browser will redirect to the “PDMP - Controlled Substance Database.” Page 23 of 38 (If you have recently requested access to ADPH Web application(s) and your request has not yet been approved, you will see a different page. This page will contain the following message, “You do not have access to any ADPH Web applications.”) Page 24 of 38 How to Change Your Password for Board Members After logging in, click the “Change Password” menu link. Please note that ADPH or Medicaid employees do not have access to the “Change Password” menu option. Page 25 of 38 You will be directed to the “Change Password” page. Here, you will need to enter the “New Password” that you have chosen. Then, reenter the new password in the “Confirm Password” field. Click the “Change Password” button. You will receive a “Forgot Password Notification” that indicates that you have changed your password. Page 26 of 38 How to Update Your Account Information If you are an existing user who wants to update your account information, return to the “ADPH Security Portal Login” page, and enter your “username” and “password.” Click the “Login” button. The next page will list the applications that are accessible to your account. Click on the “Update My Info” link located in the menu bar. Page 27 of 38 You will be directed to the “Update My Info” page. On this page, you are able to request access to additional ADPH applications. Do so by placing a check mark to the left of the application name. Page 28 of 38 In this example, I am requesting access to the “Meaningful Use” application. This is in addition to the “PDMP – Controlled Substance Database” that is already accessible to my account. Next, you have the option of editing any of the fields that you entered in “Step 1” of Create an Account. ADPH/Medicaid Employees cannot update their username/password in the System. Board Members can update their e-mail address and change their password. If you update your e-mail address and submit your changes, you will receive an e- mail verification message from the ADPH Security Portal. You will need to click the link contained in the email. Page 29 of 38 Now, you have the option to add your Professional License information. Again, although users can add license information during “Step 2” of the “New User Request” page, they cannot edit their license numbers. Users must contact the Application Administrator or PDMP Support to change a license number. If no additions are necessary, click the “Proceed to Step 3” button. The next page contains the following confirmation message: “Your information has been updated and any application requests have been submitted to the application administrator for approval.” Page 30 of 38 After updating your account information, you will receive an email like the one shown here. Click the “E-mail Verification Link.” Page 31 of 38 Username/Password Recovery for Board Members First, click on the “username/password help” link in the “Security Portal Login” box on the “ADPH Security Portal” login page. This feature is not available for ADPH or Medicaid users. These users are encouraged to call their agency’s help desk for assistance. If you are a Board Member who opted out of the Self Service – Text SMS/Email feature when you created your Security Portal account, then the Username/Password Recovery feature will not be available to you. You will need to call the Security Portal Help Line in order to recover your Security Portal Username/Password. Page 32 of 38 Next, either click on the “I forgot my password” link, or the “I forgot my username” link on the Username/Password Help page. Please know that the steps for “I forgot my password” are identical to the steps for “I forgot my username.” When you click the “I forgot my password” link on the “Username/Password Help” page, the appropriate instructions will appear. Next click the “here” link : 1. To create a new password, go to the password reset page “here” and enter your Name and E-mail. Page 33 of 38 You will be directed to the “User Data” page. Here you will need to enter your “First Name,” “Last Name” and “e-mail Address” in the fields provided. Then, click the “Next” button. On the page that follows, you are required to answer two of the three security questions that you chose when you first created your account. Enter the “Answers,” and then click the “Check Answers” button. If the one or more of the answers that you enter are incorrect, you will receive an error message in red at the bottom of the “Security Questions” page. If you see this “Invalid answer(s)” error message, try again. Page 34 of 38 If you enter the correct answers on your second attempt, you will be directed to the “Recovery” page. Here, you will need to select one of the following options in response to the question, “What would you like to do?”: Recover username Reset password Both Next, you will need to “Choose method of recovery” by selecting one of the options listed here. Then click the “Submit” button. A pop-up box “Message from webpage” will appear on your screen. You will need to wait two minutes, and check your device to retrieve your username and/or temporary password. If you selected the “Both” option, you will receive two separate messages. Page 35 of 38 If you chose the SMS Text method of recovery and you chose to recover your username and/or reset your password, you will receive the following text message(s) from the Security Portal. Page 36 of 38 If you chose the E-mail method of recovery and you chose to recover your username and/or reset your password, you will receive the following message(s) from the Security Portal. Page 37 of 38 How to Contact us if you have Questions Technical Support For technical support, click the “Contact Us” link located in the “I want to…” section of the ADPH Security Portal login page. Page 38 of 38 The Security Portal “Contact Us” page contains the following information: The Help Line phone number: 334-206-2625 with a directory for the specific programs: Press 1 for Electronic Birth or Death Records Press 2 for the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Press 3 for Meaningful Use Press 3 for Other Concerns To request assistance by e-mail, click the links below to contact the Vital Stats program and the PDMP through References

July 30, 2014 Version 2

Software Release Version 3.4.11

How Board Members and State Employees

Utilize the Security Portal to Access PDMP


Page 2 of 38

Table of Contents

How to Access PDMP via the ADPH Security Portal... 3

How Board Members Create an Account ... 4

“Self Service” Feature for Board Members ... 9

How State Employees Create an Account ... 12

How to Add Additional Professional License Information ... 17

Board Member System E-mail ... 19

How to Login to the ADPH Security Portal ... 21

How to Change Your Password for Board Members ... 24

How to Update Your Account Information ... 26

Username/Password Recovery for Board Members ... 31

How to Contact us if you have Questions ... 37


Page 3 of 38

How to Access PDMP via the ADPH Security Portal

The purpose of this documentation is to assist users with accessing and utilizing the “Prescription Drug Monitoring Program” (PDMP) – Controlled Substance Database via the “ADPH Security Portal.”

This user guide is specifically written for the following PDMP users:

Board Members and State Employees.

The ADPH Security Portal can be accessed directly by entering the following URL into the web address bar:

The page will redirect to the “ADPH Security Portal,” and in the process it will generate encryption within the URL.

Please note that if you are going to bookmark the “ADPH Security Portal” or add it to your Favorites, you must first take out the encrypted portion of the URL.

To do so, place your cursor in the web address bar just to the left of the “L” in

“Login.” Now, backspace until you have removed the letter and number

combination (encrypted portion of the URL). You can stop backspacing when you reach “adphsec/”.

Only the following part of the URL should remain in your web address bar when you add the Security Portal to your Internet Explorer “Favorites”:




Page 4 of 38

How Board Members Create an Account

If you do not have an existing account, click the “Create an Account” link on the “ADPH Security Portal Login” page, located within the “I want to…” section.

You will be directed to the “New User

Request” page.


Page 5 of 38 This first page contains six different sections. These are:

“Select Applications to Request Access,” “Name,”

“Employment,” “Supervisor,” “State Employees,” and


All of the fields that are highlighted in yellow are the standard

required fields. These are the fields that must be completed

before the page can be submitted.


Page 6 of 38 Begin by placing a checkmark to the left of “PDMP – Controlled

Substance Database” within the “Select Applications To Request Access” section.

Once you click the “PDMP – Controlled Substance Database”

checkbox, a series of application types will appear.

You will need to “Choose a PDMP application type” that corresponds with your discipline.

The “Board Member” application type will be described in this portion of the document.

When you “Choose a PDMP application type,” a

“PDMP Privacy Agreement” will appear on the “Step 1” of the “Create An Account” page. In order to proceed to “Step 2,” you must place a check in the box indicating that you have read and agree to the

“PDMP Privacy & Identity Agreement.”


Page 7 of 38 Next, all PDMP users must complete the fields located

within the “Name” section.

Begin by entering your “Professional Title,” followed by your “First Name” and your “Last Name.”

Then, complete the “Employment” section fields.

First, enter your “e-mail Address.” (It is highly

recommended that you add an e-mail address that is not shared, because the System only accepts unique email addresses.)

Now, enter your “Address,” “City,” “State,” “Zip”,

“Phone Number,” and Fax Number.”

The fields located within the “Supervisor” section are not

required unless they are highlighted.


Page 8 of 38 Indicate whether or not you are a State

employee in either ADPH or Medicaid. The default value is “No.”

The final section in Step 1 of creating a new Security Portal account is the

“Username/Password” section.

First, create a unique “username.” Your username must be at least 3 and may be no more than 20 characters in length.

The system will not accept a duplicate username. If your username is accepted, you will see the following message appear:

“This username is available!”

Second, enter a password. The minimum password requirements are listed to the right of the username and password fields.

After you have entered your password a word/phrase will appear indicating the strength of the password that you have chosen. Create a password with strength of

“Strong” or “Excellent.”

Next, confirm your password by entering it into the field beneath password. Click the

“Proceed to Step 2” button at the bottom of

the page.


Page 9 of 38

“Self Service” Feature for Board Members

The top screen capture in the right column provides an example of a fully completed

“Self Service” section.

In the “Text SMS” section, you will need to enter your mobile number, and select your mobile carrier from the drop down list.

Then click "Send PIN."

A four digit pin number will be sent within 2 minutes to your mobile device. (See the screen capture to the far right center as an example of a PIN Request text message.) Upon receiving that pin number via text, you should enter the pin to validate your mobile number.

Then, click the “Proceed to Step 3” button.

The bottom screen capture in the right column shows an example of only the three

“Security Questions” in the “Self Service”

section as being completed. Here the user has opted out of the “Self Service” personal e-mail and Text SMS feature.

If you choose to opt out of “Self Service”,

please select the check box (in the gray box

beneath the Security Questions.) If you

choose to opt out, you will be required to call

ADPH in the event you cannot access your



Page 10 of 38 Now, you have the option to include

additional Professional License information, such as Funeral Director License Number, Coroner Association Number, etc.

You cannot change a license number once you have entered it. You must contact the Application Administrator to have the license changed.

Details on adding license information can be found on page 17.

It is not necessary to complete the “LCMS Account” section. This section provides a means of linking your Security Portal account with your existing LCMS (Learning Content Management System) account. If you do not have an existing LCMS Account, skip this section.

If no other updates are necessary, click the

“Proceed to Step 3” button.


Page 11 of 38 Your web browser will redirect to a new page

with the following confirmation message,

“Your request has been submitted to the application administrator for approval.”

Click the “Return to the Login Page” link.


Page 12 of 38

How State Employees Create an Account

If you do not have an existing account, click the “Create an Account” link on the “ADPH Security Portal Login” page, located within the “I want to…” section.

You will be directed to the “New User

Request” page.


Page 13 of 38 Starting from “Step 1” of the New User Request

page, select the appropriate agency (either

“ADPH” or “Medicaid”) as your “PDMP Application Type.”

When you “Choose a PDMP application type,”

a “PDMP Privacy Agreement” will appear on the “Step 1” of the “Create An Account” page.

In order to proceed to “Step 2,” you must place a check in the box indicating that you have read and agree to the “PDMP Privacy &

Identity Agreement.”


Page 14 of 38 Next, if you are employed by either “ADPH” or

“Medicaid,” then select the “Yes” option that is beneath the question: “Are you a State employee in either ADPH or Medicaid?”

When “Yes” is selected, the “Select Agency” and “State Agency Username” fields will appear, and the

“Username/Password” section will no longer be visible.

After you have selected your Agency, enter your “State Agency Username.”

This is the “Username” or “Network id” that you utilize when you log in to your work computer each morning.

(After you have created your account, you will need to login to the Security Portal using your network id and your network password.)

The following fields will automatically populate:

First Name, Last Name, Work e-mail Address & Phone Number

Go back to each section and complete the required fields (highlighted in yellow) that were not automatically populated.

The “Supervisor” section is optional.

Click the checkbox to indicate that you have read and

agree to the PDMP Privacy Agreement.


Page 15 of 38 Next, click the “Proceed to Step 2” button

The “Self Service” feature for username/password account information recovery is not available to State Employees.

Here you have the option to include your professional licenses, if applicable.

You also have the option of linking your LCMS and

Security Portal accounts together. To do so, you will

need to click the “Show LCMS Account” button.


Page 16 of 38 Then, you will need to enter your “LCMS username,”

“LCMS Password,” and your “LCMS PIN” before clicking the “Link My Accounts” button.

If you do not have any “Licenses” to add and do not wish to link your LCMS account to the Security Portal account that you are in the process of creating, then click the

“Proceed to Step 3” button.


Page 17 of 38

How to Add Additional Professional License Information

If applicable, please select your “License Board” from the drop down list.

Now, you have the option to include additional Professional License information, such as Funeral Director License Number, Coroner Association Number, etc.

In this example, I will click the “Other License Types” options from the “License Board” drop down list.

If you select the “License Board” option of “Other License Types,” the “License Type” drop down list will auto-populate with the following options:

APOST Certification Number, Coroners Association, DEA Number, Funeral Director License Number, & QACSC Registration Number.

In this example, the “Coroners

Association” License Type option will be selected.

Next, enter your License Number.

Then click the “Add License” button.

Although you can add license information

during “Step 2” of creating a new


Page 18 of 38 account, you cannot edit or delete your

licenses in the Security Portal.

You do however have the option of changing which license is primary.

To change which license is saved as

“primary,” click the “Make Primary” link.

The check mark beneath the “Is primary license” column will move accordingly.

Please know that only one license number is required and kept for any license type.

You must contact the Application

Administrator or PDMP Support to

change a license number.


Page 19 of 38

Board Member System E-mail

Immediately after an account is created, the Security Portal will send a verification e-mail to the e-mail address entered by the user. This email is not received by the State Employee.

The user must click on the “E-mail Verification Link” in order to access any of the Security Portal’s applications.

Please do not reply directly to the email.


Page 20 of 38 A confirmation message will appear once the

link is clicked.

The message indicates, “The account for this example, Jan Doe, with the e-mail address of:

has been verified. You can now access

applications if the application administrator has granted you permission.”

Once the user has been granted access to the

PDMP – Controlled Substance Database

application, the user will receive an email

notification that he or she has access to the



Page 21 of 38

How to Login to the ADPH Security Portal

First, enter your username and password in the

“ADPH Security Portal Login” box on the “Login” page.

Then, click the “Login” button.

(ADPH and Medicaid employees will need to login to the

Security Portal using the network id and password that

they use to access their work computer.)


Page 22 of 38 After a successful login, if you have been

granted access, you will see a grid listing the names of applications that are available. A description of each application listed is provided.

To access an application, click on the “Select”

link to the left of the application name. Your browser will exit the “ADPH Security Portal” and redirect to the application that you selected.

To demonstrate, hover over the “PDMP – Controlled Substance Database” application name. Notice that this row becomes highlighted.

Next, click on the “PDMP –Controlled Substance Database” “Select” link.

Your browser will redirect to the “PDMP -

Controlled Substance Database.”


Page 23 of 38 (If you have recently requested access to ADPH

Web application(s) and your request has not yet been approved, you will see a different page.

This page will contain the following message,

“You do not have access to any ADPH Web



Page 24 of 38

How to Change Your Password for Board Members

After logging in, click the “Change Password” menu link.

Please note that ADPH or Medicaid

employees do not have access to

the “Change Password” menu



Page 25 of 38 You will be directed to the

“Change Password” page.

Here, you will need to enter the

“New Password” that you have chosen.

Then, reenter the new password in the “Confirm Password” field.

Click the “Change Password”


You will receive a “Forgot

Password Notification” that

indicates that you have changed

your password.


Page 26 of 38

How to Update Your Account Information

If you are an existing user who wants to update your account information, return to the “ADPH Security Portal Login” page, and enter your “username” and “password.”

Click the “Login” button.

The next page will list the applications that are accessible to your account.

Click on the “Update My Info” link located in the menu



Page 27 of 38 You will be directed to the

“Update My Info” page.

On this page, you are able to request access

to additional ADPH applications. Do so by

placing a check mark to the left of the

application name.


Page 28 of 38 In this example, I am requesting access to

the “Meaningful Use” application.

This is in addition to the “PDMP – Controlled Substance Database” that is already

accessible to my account.

Next, you have the option of editing any of the fields that you entered in “Step 1” of Create an Account.

ADPH/Medicaid Employees cannot update their username/password in the System.

Board Members can update their e-mail address and change their password.

If you update your e-mail address and

submit your changes, you will receive an e-

mail verification message from the ADPH

Security Portal. You will need to click the link

contained in the email.


Page 29 of 38 Now, you have the option to

add your Professional License information.

Again, although users can add license information during “Step 2” of the “New User Request” page, they cannot edit their license numbers.

Users must contact the Application Administrator or PDMP Support to change a license number.

If no additions are necessary, click the “Proceed to Step 3”


The next page contains the

following confirmation

message: “Your information

has been updated and any

application requests have

been submitted to the

application administrator for



Page 30 of 38 After updating your account

information, you will receive an email like the one shown here.

Click the “E-mail Verification



Page 31 of 38

Username/Password Recovery for Board Members

First, click on the “username/password help” link in the

“Security Portal Login” box on the “ADPH Security Portal” login page.

This feature is not available for ADPH or Medicaid users.

These users are encouraged to call their agency’s help desk for assistance.

If you are a Board Member who opted out of the Self Service – Text SMS/Email feature when you created your Security Portal account, then the

Username/Password Recovery feature will not be available to you. You will need to call the

Security Portal Help Line in order to recover your

Security Portal Username/Password.


Page 32 of 38 Next, either click on the “I forgot

my password” link, or the “I forgot my username” link on the Username/Password Help page.

Please know that the steps for “I forgot my password” are identical to the steps for “I forgot my username.”

When you click the “I forgot my password” link on the

“Username/Password Help”

page, the appropriate instructions will appear.

Next click the “here” link : 1. To create a new password, go to the password reset page

“here” and enter your Name and



Page 33 of 38 You will be directed to the “User

Data” page. Here you will need to enter your “First Name,” “Last Name” and “e-mail Address” in the fields provided.

Then, click the “Next” button.

On the page that follows, you are required to answer two of the three security questions that you chose when you first created your account.

Enter the “Answers,” and then click the “Check Answers” button.

If the one or more of the answers that you enter are incorrect, you will receive an error message in red at the bottom of the

“Security Questions” page.

If you see this “Invalid answer(s)”

error message, try again.


Page 34 of 38 If you enter the correct answers

on your second attempt, you will be directed to the “Recovery”


Here, you will need to select one of the following options in response to the question, “What would you like to do?”:

Recover username

Reset password


Next, you will need to “Choose method of recovery” by selecting one of the options listed here.

Then click the “Submit” button.

A pop-up box “Message from webpage” will appear on your screen.

You will need to wait two

minutes, and check your device

to retrieve your username and/or

temporary password. If you

selected the “Both” option, you

will receive two separate



Page 35 of 38

If you chose the SMS Text method of recovery and you chose to recover your username and/or reset your

password, you will receive the following text message(s) from the Security Portal.


Page 36 of 38

If you chose the E-mail method of recovery and you chose to recover your username and/or reset your password,

you will receive the following message(s) from the Security Portal.


Page 37 of 38

How to Contact us if you have Questions Technical Support

For technical support, click the “Contact Us” link located in

the “I want to…” section of the ADPH Security Portal login



Page 38 of 38 The Security Portal “Contact Us” page contains the following


The Help Line phone number: 334-206-2625 with a directory for the specific programs:

Press 1 for Electronic Birth or Death Records

Press 2 for the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Press 3 for Meaningful Use

Press 3 for Other Concerns

To request assistance by e-mail, click the links below

to contact the Vital Stats program and the PDMP


How Board Members and State Employees Utilize the Security Portal to Access PDMP. July 30, 2014 Version 2 Software Release Version 3.4. (2024)


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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.