Psychology, Fourteenth Edition (9781319426897) | Macmillan Learning (2024)

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Talk Psych Blog by David Myers

The up-to-date content and research you can trust, AND a book your students will read!

Myers Psychology continues to be shaped by basic goals David Myers established at the outset, including to connect students to high-impact research, to focus on developing critical thinking skills, and to present a global and inclusive perspective on psychology, so all students can see themselves in the text, and see psychology in the context of a wider world.

This new edition is the most up-to-date introductory psychology resource available, with exciting new findings, examples, and ideas in every chapter and module. Abundant, high quality resources in Achieve (many author-created) help students succeed, while making course preparation and execution easier for instructors.


A Trusted Author Team brings a wealth of teaching and research experience to the written text and interactive resources in Achieve.

Critical Thinking Introduced in Chapter 1 and students are encouraged to examine sources and evidence and to consider voices and ideas from diverse perspectives throughout.

Always Remarkably Current to help students walk away with the most accurate, current understandings of psychology to apply in their own lives and work.

A Global Perspective with the authors offering a world-based psychology for their worldwide student readership.

An Excellent Introduction for Nursing/ Pre-med Students with exceptional neuroscience coverage, DSM-5-TR updates, and content that maps almost exactly to the MCAT Behavioral Sciences section.

An Effective Study and Learning System—in the text and Achieve—that exemplifies best practices from learning and memory research.

Author-Created Achieve Activities

  • How Would You Know? shows how psychological research begins with a question—and how key decision points can alter the meaning and value of a psychological study.
  • Assess Your Strengths let students apply what they are learning to their own experiences.
  • "Thinking Critically About…" Infographic Activities guide students to consider available empirical evidence before drawing conclusions.

New to This Edition

New co-author, June Gruber (University of Colorado, Boulder) known for her research on positive emotion and psychopathology, her extensive collaborations with fellow scholars, and her efforts to mentor younger scholars.

Rigorous Updating (1427 citations from 2019–2022) including the latest updates in each of the field’s subdisciplines.

Modular Format with each chapter consisting of a series of standalone teaching units. This gives students more manageable reading segments and instructors the option of assignment any or all modules within a chapter in any order.

Improved Student Preface and a NEW Student Success Activity in Achieve to help students start to think critically and to consider the psychology in the context of their own lives.

Expanded Video Collection for Introductory Psychology (200 total videos; 132 new) with new videos on loneliness and the brain, iGen, COVID and stress, Black Lives Matter/racial trauma, online dating, and issues faced by transgender youth.

Evolving Coverage of Diversity, Inclusion, Gender, and Sexual Orientation including extra reviews from experts and instructors and extensive refinements in language and photo selections.

Coordination with APA’s 2021 Introductory Psychology Initiative (IPI) for instructors interested in following these new guidelines.
New assignable How Do We Know Ourselves essays drawn from David Myers’ new trade title.

Improved, easier-to-use Instructor’s Resource Manual (IRM) by award-winning teacher Elizabeth Hammer (Xavier University) including a “Diversity in Psychology: Spotlight on Women” collection of 17 activities, as well as two new activities on diversity in psychology by Salena Brody (University of Texas, Dallas).

New research and research design-oriented iClicker questions by Jennifer Zwolinski (San Diego University) to help engage students on research topics.

“Every chapter was extremely thorough in topics covered, and I like the multiple modalities of how these topics are presented to students. I could not find any missing links, even within my favorite topics such as addiction, the brain, and lifespan development.” — Christie Cunningham, Pellissippi State Community College

“I thoroughly enjoyed reading [Module 49, Anxiety-Related Disorders]. I teach about anxiety disorders regularly in introduction to Psychology and Psychopathology...Your module highlights and emphasizes the key points that I emphasize in class. It explains things so clearly. It discusses contemporary events, well known individuals, and interesting studies to make the material clearly understandable and hold the readers interest, without being excessive and repetitive. Thank you for writing such a good module!” — Michele Camden, Stetson University

“These [LearningCurve quizzes] are invaluable for helping students assess their mastery of the material and also for helping me know who needs help.” — Kelly Cate, University of North Georgia

“I felt like [Module 35, Affiliation and Achievement] flowed very well and most of my questions were answered as they came up. I liked the little short stories (like the guy who created a road) as a break from all the academic talk. Lastly, I really liked when the author (ND) put in little tidbits about themselves (such as meeting their wife online, or using an app to diminish distractions). I feel like it makes the author more humanized when they talk about their own experiences.” — Hannah Finch, Colorado State University

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FourteenthEdition| ©2024

David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall; June Gruber

Psychology, Fourteenth Edition (9781319426897) | Macmillan Learning (5)

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Fourteenth Edition| 2024

David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall; June Gruber

Table of Contents

Instructor Preface
Student Preface: Skills for Student Success: How to Apply Psychology to Live Your Best Life

CHAPTER 1: Thinking Critically With Psychological Science (Modules 1–3)
1 The History and Scope of Psychology
2 Research Strategies: How Psychologists Ask and Answer Questions
3 Statistical Reasoning in Everyday Life

CHAPTER 2: The Biology of Mind (Modules 4–7)
4 Neural and Hormonal Systems
5 Tools of Discovery: Having Our Head Examined
6 Brain Regions and Structures
7 Damage Responses and Brain Hemispheres

CHAPTER 3: Consciousness and the Two-Track Mind (Modules 8–10)
8 Basic Consciousness Concepts
9 Sleep and Dreams
10 Drugs and Consciousness

CHAPTER 4: Nature, Nurture, and Human Diversity (Modules 11–13)
11 Behavior Genetics: Predicting Individual Differences
12 Evolutionary Psychology: Explaining Human Nature and Nurture
13 Cultural and Gender Diversity: Understanding Nature and Nurture

CHAPTER 5: Developing Through the Life Span (Modules 14–17)
14 Developmental Issues, Prenatal Development, and the Newborn
15 Infancy and Childhood
16 Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
17 Adulthood

CHAPTER 6: Sensation and Perception (Modules 18–20)
18 Basic Concepts of Sensation and Perception
19 Vision: Sensory and Perceptual Processing
20 Hearing, Skin, Chemical, and Body Senses

CHAPTER 7: Learning (Modules 21–23)
21 Basic Learning Concepts and Classical Conditioning
22 Operant Conditioning
23 Biology, Cognition, and Learning

CHAPTER 8: Memory (Modules 24–26)
24 Studying and Encoding Memories
25 Storing and Retrieving Memories
26 Forgetting, Memory Construction, and Improving Memory

CHAPTER 9: Thinking and Language (Modules 27–28)
27 Thinking
28 Language and Thought

CHAPTER 10: Intelligence (Modules 29–31)
29 What Is Intelligence?
30 Intelligence Assessment and Dynamics
31 Genetic and Environmental Influences on Intelligence

CHAPTER 11: What Drives Us: Hunger, Sex, Belongingness, and Achievement (Modules 32–35)
32 Basic Motivational Concepts
33 Hunger
34 Sexual Motivation
35 Affiliation and Achievement

CHAPTER 12: Emotions, Stress, and Health (Modules 36–40)
36 Introduction to Emotion
37 Expressing Emotion
38 Experiencing Emotion
39 Stress and Illness
40 Health and Coping

CHAPTER 13: Social Psychology (Modules 41–44)
41 Social Thinking
42 Social Influence
43 Antisocial Relations
44 Prosocial Relations

CHAPTER 14: Personality (Modules 45–47)
45 Introduction to Personality and Psychodynamic Theories
46 Humanistic Theories and Trait Theories
47 Social-Cognitive Theories and the Self

CHAPTER 15: Psychological Disorders (Modules 48–53)
48 Introduction to Psychological Disorders
49 Anxiety Disorders, Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders, Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders, and Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders
50 Depressive Disorders and Bipolar Disorders
51 Schizophrenia
52 Dissociative, Personality, and Eating Disorders
53 Neurodevelopmental Disorders

CHAPTER 16: Therapy (Modules 54–56)
54 Introduction to Therapy and the Psychological Therapies
55 Evaluating Psychotherapies
56 The Biomedical Therapies and Preventing Psychological Disorders

Appendix A: The Story of Psychology: A Timeline
Appendix B: Career Fields in Psychology
Appendix C: Psychology at Work
Appendix D: Complete Module Reviews
Appendix E: Answers to Retrieval Practice and Module Test Questions

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Fourteenth Edition| 2024

David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall; June Gruber

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Psychology, Fourteenth Edition (9781319426897) | Macmillan Learning (12)

David G. Myers

David Myers received his B.A. in chemistry from Whitworth University, and his psychology Ph.D. from the University of Iowa. He has spent his career at Hope College, Michigan, where he has taught dozens of introductory psychology sections. Hope College students have invited him to be their commencement speaker and voted him “outstanding professor.” His research and writings have been recognized by the Gordon Allport Intergroup Relations Prize, an Honored Scientist award from the Federation of Associations in Behavioral & Brain Sciences, an Award for Distinguished Service on Behalf of Social-Personality Psychology, a Presidential Citation from APA Division 2, election as an American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow, and three honorary doctorates.

With support from National Science Foundation grants, Myers’ scientific articles have appeared in three dozen scientific periodicals, including Science, American Scientist, Psychological Science, and American Psychologist. In addition to his scholarly and textbook writing, he digests psychological science for the general public. His writings have appeared in four dozen magazines, from Today’s Education to Scientific American. He also has authored six general audience books, including, in 2022, How Do We Know Ourselves? Curiosities and Marvels of the Human Mind. And he blogs about psychology and life at

David Myers has chaired his city’s Human Relations Commission, helped found a thriving assistance center for low-income families, and spoken to hundreds of college, community, and professional groups worldwide. Drawing on his experience of hearing loss, which now includes a cochlear implant, he also has written articles and a book (A Quiet World) about hearing loss, and he is advocating a transformation in U.S. assistive listening technology (see For his leadership, he has received awards from the American Academy of Audiology, the hearing industry, and the Hearing Loss Association of America.

David and Carol Myers met and married while undergraduates, and have raised sons Peter and Andrew, and a daughter, Laura. They have one grandchild, Allie.

Psychology, Fourteenth Edition (9781319426897) | Macmillan Learning (13)

C. Nathan DeWall

Nathan DeWall is professor of psychology at the University of Kentucky. He received his bachelor’s degree from St. Olaf College, a master’s degree in social science from the University of Chicago, and a master’s degree and Ph.D. in social psychology from Florida State University. DeWall received the College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Teaching Award, which recognizes excellence in undergraduate and graduate teaching. The Association for Psychological Science identified DeWall as a “Rising Star” early in his career for “making significant contributions to the field of psychological science.” He has been included in the top 1 percent of all cited scientists in psychology and psychiatry on the Institute for Scientific Information list, according to the Web of Science.DeWall conducts research on close relationships, self-control, aggression, the psychology of religion, and intellectual humility. With funding from the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and the John Templeton Foundation, he has published 225 scientific articles and chapters. DeWall’s research awards include the SAGE Young Scholars Award from the Foundation for Personality and Social Psychology, the Young Investigator Award from the International Society for Research on Aggression, and the Early Career Award from the International Society for Self and Identity. His research has been covered by numerous media and entertainment outlets, including Good Morning America, The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, The Atlantic Monthly, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Harvard Business Review, USA Today, National Public Radio, The Guardian, the BBC, and Netflix. He has lectured nationally and internationally, including in Hong Kong, China, the Netherlands, England, Greece, Hungary, Sweden, Australia, and France.

Nathan is happily married to Alice DeWall and is the proud father of Beverly “Bevy” and Ellis. He also enjoys taking care of the family dog, “Artie.” As an ultramarathon runner, he completed numerous races, including the Badwater 135 in 2017 (dubbed “the World’s toughest foot race”). In his spare time now, he enjoys hiking, attending live concerts, setting up and maintaining aquariums, watching sports, and playing guitar and singing in local rock bands.

Psychology, Fourteenth Edition (9781319426897) | Macmillan Learning (14)

June Gruber

June Gruber is an associate professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of Colorado. She was previously a faculty member at Yale University. She received her B.A. in psychology, and her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of California Berkeley. Gruber has published over 100 articles and chapters and has edited two books—the Oxford Handbook of Positive Emotion and Psychopathology and Positive Emotion: Integrating the Light Sides and Dark Sides with Judith Moskowitz. Her research has received several honors, including the Association for Psychological Science’s Rising Star Award, the Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions, the Society for Research in Psychopathologys Early Career Award, the NARSAD Young Investigator Award, and Yale University’s Arthur Greer Memorial Prize for Outstanding Junior Faculty. Gruber has served as an Associate Editor and Interim Editor-in-Chief for Perspectives on Psychological Science and is currently an Associate Editor at Emotion.

Gruber directs the Positive Emotion and Psychopathology Laboratory, where she studies the links between positive emotions and mental health, including the “dark side” of happiness. Gruber is co-leading a field-wide call to action in response to the mental health crisis sparked by Covid-19 (Gruber et al., 2020).

Gruber’s passion for teaching psychology and training future generations of scholars extends beyond the classroom. She has created freely available interview series and courses for the general public, including a Coursera #TalkMentalIllness course, Experts in Emotion Interview Series at Yale University, and an online course in Human Emotion. Gruber has also co-written a column for young scientists in Science Careers. Her teaching efforts have received several awards, including the Boulder Faculty Assembly Excellence in Teaching and Pedagogy Award and the UROP Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Gruber is invested in supporting and elevating the careers of underrepresented women in the sciences. She leads workshops, publishes papers, and gives talks to raise awareness about gender disparities in the field and to chart a proactive path forward.

Gruber enjoys spending quiet days in the Colorado mountains with her two sons, Ansel and Silvan, and her husband, Raul. She enjoys taking hikes with her dog Buddy, making art projects with her children, traveling, and basking in the nostalgia of 80s music.

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FourteenthEdition| 2024

David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall; June Gruber

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David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall; June Gruber | FourteenthEdition | ©2024 | ISBN:9781319490058

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Psychology, Fourteenth Edition (9781319426897) | Macmillan Learning (24)

Mental Health Resources for Instructors

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Fourteenth Edition| 2024

David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall; June Gruber

Psychology, Fourteenth Edition (9781319426897) | Macmillan Learning (27)Look InsidePsychology, Fourteenth Edition (9781319426897) | Macmillan Learning (28)


Fourteenth Edition| 2024

David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall; June Gruber


David Myers and Nathan DeWall Introduce Dr. June Gruber

David Myers: Thinking Critically in our "Post-Truth" World

Get To Know David Myers

Get To Know Nathan DeWall

Introducing June Gruber

Make Things Memorable

David Myers, best-selling introductory psychology author from Worth Publishers, talks about how to make things memorable and study more effectively through the "Testing Effect."

Self Control: Teaching Students About Their Greatest Inner Strength with Nathan DeWall

Psychology, Fourteenth Edition (9781319426897) | Macmillan Learning (2024)


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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.